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tv   Road to the White House  CSPAN  November 4, 2012 6:30pm-8:00pm EST

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campaign 2012, the romney rally in pennsylvania. the governor is up the microphone waiting to introduce the governor running about an hour behind. let's listen in. >> i believe we working with one of his colleagues, governor romney was in massachusetts and learned that the daughter of one of his co-workers was kidnapped. they shut the business down. they went down to manhattan in new york and started searching. they handed out leaflets and those leaflets led to her recovery from somebody that had her kidnapped and had her in chains. that was not done for the tv. that was done out of love of children. that is what we need in the white house.
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[cheers and applause] this is, without a doubt, a beautiful country. it is a country where we are at a decision point. are we going to continue to do what we have been doing for the last four years? are we going to continue to death double -- double the deficit of this country? are we going to continue to see more and more unemployment in the next 10 years? we have to make a change? are you with me in making this change? [crowd chanting "sent him home"] [the crowd chanting "two more
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days] this is a fantastic crowd. yesterday, we were in harrisburg. we had 2500 people in the hangar. how many of you for their -- were there four that? many of you did not get in. many -- do you know what the news reported? hundreds. we have social media today. i do not know if you noticed earlier, i pulled out my cell phone. my son taught me how to work it. i took a panorama going around. [laughter] i want you to do the same thing right now. take pictures of the crowd and
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put it on your facebook. send it to the media, the newspapers, and let them see the size of this crowd. will you do that for me? the bus is a little slow getting here so you can do it right now. [laughter] while you are doing that, i want to tell you what else i am proud of. the governor will agree with me on this. we are somewhat competitive as governors. we compete with the other states. bob mcdonnell is a good friend of mine in virginia. he was with us yesterday. by the way, he is also philadelphia born. we are competing with him. i am competing with john kasich in ohio. i do not know if you watched the event in ohio on friday night. they had a big crowd. oh my goodness, look how big that crowd is.
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[cheers and applause] you have a lot to be proud of. take your pictures. if you have seen governor romney's plan, it has five points. they are all important. i will tell you the one that i think can really help us in the world. i will skip it because i just got it. [cheers and applause]
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we are on the way. i just saw the bus go by. when i do, i want them to hear you in philadelphia and trenton from here. [cheers and applause] i want them to hear you in new york city. [cheers and applause] i want them to hear you in washington, d.c. can you do that? we will be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> you hurt governor tom corbett. the bus has arrived.
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-- you heard governor tom corbett. we will take your calls. a democratic column. go ahead, carl. caller: i am concerned about this election. i am from the 82nd airborne. i was loaded onto planes during the cuban crisis. we found out later than kennedy gave up our missiles in turkey and averted a crisis. you have to be aggressive, but you cannot be crazy. romney is a global list -- globalist. he is a complete sony and i am scared to death if he becomes president. host: david, a republican color. caller: i am for romney all the
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way. he is for god and country. there are a lot of people out of war. if romney were president -- out of work right now. if romney were present, the people on the east coast would not be suffering like the are now. host: are you energize? caller: yes, i am energized. it is going to be good against evil. caller: i am a massachusetts resident. i had governor romney as my governor. he was the best governor the state ever had. he reduced the taxes. there were programs for the really smart kids. they got free tuition.
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there was a thing where we could check if they were criminals if they were stopped. this guy reminds me of lincoln. he is great with his ideas. when he is done after that years, this will be the country should be. host: here is a tweet. governor corvette telling the crowd to use social media. you heard him say that i get out there cell phones and take a panoramic picture of the size of the crowd, saying the media is not reporting on it. we have been showing you this rally as we wait for the governor to get there. the republicans' telling the philadelphia inquirer that they pass out 34,000 -- republicans
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telling the philadelphia inquirer that they passed out 34,000 passes. there was a line a mile and a half long to get to this rally. we are taking your phone calls until we hear from governor romney. the bus has arrived. we have a democratic caller from pennsylvania. caller: thank you for taking my call. i will not be voting for romney. he left massachusetts and raised taxes on properties and the blind. he says he is going to give jobs to americans. if we leave it up to him,
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americans will be losing jobs. we are going to be indigent workers if it comes to around the and if he is president of the united states. host: where is mount vernon, pennsylvania? caller: it is in western pennsylvania. host: is it a democratic stronghold? caller: we have the mining and so forth. host: we heard from a republican caller earlier who said in 2008, the signs for obama were everywhere. not so much this time around. calm -- in-line
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-- caller: people decided not to put signs up here because of vandalism. we are going to go out there and we are one to show them people are for obama. we are all scared of rounding. he is going to take our jobs overseas. he is a profiteer. he takes companies and profits from them and lays off workers and takes the jobs overseas. he would not be working for the american people. host: ok, anne in pennsylvania. our cameras are in morrisville, pennsylvania. he will end up tonight in
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newport news, virginia. president obama started his day in concord, new hampshire. he went to cincinnati, ohio. he ended up in colorado for his last stop. then he is back on the trail tomorrow leading up to tuesday, election day 2012. denver, madison, wisconsin. republican -- deborah, madison, wisconsin on the republican line. caller: i would like to respond to the events comparing governor romney to george bush. i started researching the repeal of the glass-steagall act. after the repeal, there was social engineering to allow people to purchase real estate.
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wall street went bananas. that is when everything was done that led to this crash. then-president bush was working with democrats. the democrats engineered the repeal of glass-steagall. that is what led to this economic class -- economic crash. to insinuates that president obama inherited a mess is absolutely false. host: there are large crowds in pennsylvania waiting for governor romney. there were 23,000 people waiting for president obama today. here is what he had to say. [video clip] >> i want all parties to work together. we are not democrats or republicans first. we are americans first. whenever others are willing to
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work for me, i work with them. some of them supported us when we cut taxes for middle-class families and small businesses. some courageous republican senators voted with us to repeal don't ask, don't tell. as long as hills with president, i will work with anybody willing to move -- i am president, i will work with anybody willing to move this country forward. people who put you first instead of politics and the next election first. sometimes you have to fight for principle. sometimes you have to fight for what is right. if the price for peace in washington is cutting deals that will pick students of all financial aid or get rid of funding for planned parenthood for lead insurance company discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions or to
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cut medicaid for people who are elderly or poor or disabled, i will not votes for that. that is not changed. that is a rendered to the same status quo that has hurt the middle class and cost us jobs. i do not know about you, but i am not ready to give up on that stuff. host: president obama earlier today in hollywood, florida. there is governor romney's bus arriving. he and his wife ann making their way to the states. he was supposed to be there at 5:30 p.m. eastern time. let's listen in for a little bit. ♪
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["rocky theme" plays] >> ladies and gentlemen, give a warm greeting to the next president of the united states,
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mitt romney and the next first lady of the united states, ann romney. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. what a philadelphia welcome. thank you so much. i want to introduce the next first lady of the united states, my wife, ann romney. >> this has got to be the thrill of a lifetime. this is amazing. thank you so much. [cheers and applause]
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this campaign is drawing to a close. what a wonderful welcome you as -- you have given us and what energy you have given us to know that we can finish this race strong. [cheers and applause] we are so excited about to say. we are so excited to be in pennsylvania. [cheers and applause] i am standing with a man i have stood with in -- for 43 years in marriage. in every circumstance, i have seen him be exceptional in every way. i can tell you, he will not fail. [cheers and applause] we have got to get this right. we love this country. we believe in america.
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i will watch this man save this country and put it back on track, the next president of the united states, mitt romney. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "mitt"] >> thank you. thank you governor, thank you senators toomey and the next united states senator from pennsylvania. congressmen 6 patrick, we appreciate you being here. -- congressman fitzpatrick, we appreciate you being here. we are close to a place people are still suffering from the consequences of a hurricane. our hearts go out to you.
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if you have extra funds to provide to people, please contact the american red cross or the salvation army or any other group helping to provide care to those having a hard time. thanks to the governor's helping people -- thanks to governors helping people, especially governor christie. he is doing everything to help the people of this state. we appreciate his hard work. what a welcome. thank you so very much. this audience and your voices are being heard all over the nation. they are being heard in my heart. people of america understand we are taking back the white house because we are going to win pennsylvania. [cheers and applause] i also want to thank the people have been doing so much work on
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our campaign, making phone calls from our victories centers, putting a sign up in your yard, in your neighbor's yard. convincing a co-worker to vote for paul ryan and me. let's make sure every single person we know gets out and votes on tuesday. what makes this rally and all your work so inspiring his putt -- is that you are here because you care about america. this campaign is about the future we are going to leave to our children. i want you to stay with us all the way to victory on tuesday night. it is possible that some of your friends or family members have not made up their mind to vote 4. let me suggest when you talk to them -- have not made up their mind to vote for.
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let me suggest when you talk to them to tell them to look past the speeches. change cannot be measured in speeches. it is measured in achievement. four years ago, candidate obama promised to do so much, but he has fallen so short. he has promised to be a post partisan president, but he has been so partisan. it is not just republicans he has refused to listen to, but also independent voices. he said he was born to focus on creating jobs, but he focused on obamacare -- he was going to focus on creating jobs, but he focused on obamacare, which killed jobs. on the planet is 7.9%. that is 9 million -- the unemployment is 7.9%. that is 9 million jobs short.
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he promised he would save social security and medicare from insolvency. he raided $716 billion from medicare to pay for obamacare. he said he would lower health- insurance premiums for families. have you seen that? the american family pays 3000 more -- $3,000 a year more than when he was elected. he said he would work across the aisle on the most important issues america faces. he has not met on the economy, on jobs with either member of the house or the senate. you look at the big debates we have in this country not as a republican or a democrat, but as an american.
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you watch what has happened in this country with an independent voice. you told president obama would live up to his promise to bring people together. there is a problem. he has not. i will. [cheers and applause] let me tell you why he fell so short of what he promised. it is because he cared more about the liberal agenda than repairing the economy. did obama create new jobs? did his war on coal and gas create new jobs? does raising taxes put people to work? did the avalanche of new regulations help small business? you got it right. almost every measure he took hurt the economy and our fellow americans. 23 million americans are
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struggling today to find a good job. 1 in 6 of our fellow citizens are living in poverty. the middle-class is being squeezed with lower take-home pay and high taxes. i spoke yesterday with the wife of a 60-year-old man. he has worked as a welder for 40 years, but he just got laid off. his wife says, what can i do to help him? that she made it clear. they do not want a government check. he was a job. the president thinks more government is the answer. no, mr. president. more good jobs. that is the answer. the question of this election comes down to this. do you want them more years like the last four years or do you want real change?
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president obama promised change, but he could not deliver. [crowd chants "send him home"] he could not deliver the change he promised. i not only promised change, i have a record of achieving change. i built a business. i helped turn around another one. i helped put the olympics back on track. with the democrat legislature, i helped my state turned from deficit to surplus. we went from higher taxes to higher take-home pay. that is why i am running for president. [cheers and applause] i know how to change the course the nation is on. how to get to a balanced budget, how to build jobs and see rising
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take-home pay. accomplishing change is not something i talk about. it is something i have done and it is something i will do as president of the united states. if you believe we can do better -- [crowd chants "romney, romney"] if you believe we can do better, if you believe america should be on a better course, if you are tired of being tired, i asked it to vote for real change. paul ryan and i will bring real change to america on data 1 -- on day 1.
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i will not waste time complaining about my predecessor. i will try to pass -- go to work to get americans back to work. people across the country are responding to our five part plan to create jobs. part one is taking full advantage of our energy -- coal, cgas, i will ask to speed the approval of the keystone pipeline. -- act to speed approval of the keystone pipeline. i will designate china as a currency manipulator. we have got to fight for fair jobs. third, i will send to congress something we call the
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retraining reform act so that every worker can get the skills they need for a good paying job. i will move to tackle out of control spending. i will send congress fundamental reforms on fiscal sanity act. we will immediately cut government spending. [applause] i am not just going to take office on june were 20, i will take responsibility for that office as well. [applause] #5, i am going to act on all business. i'm going to issue executive orders. the first is the state waivers from obama care. the second will launch a sweeping review of all the obama
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care regulations. fourthe first time in the years, every entrepreneur or in small business creator will know the president and the government of the united states likes them and likes the jobs they bring to our fellow americans. paul ryan and i will limit government, instead of limiting the dreams of our fellow americans. our choice on tuesday can lead to one of two very different outcomes. you know if the president were to be reelected, he would still be unable to work with the people in congress. he is ignored them, attack them, blamed them, and the debt ceiling will come up again. shut down and defaults will be threatened. that freezes the economy. by the way, the president was right the of the day when he said he cannot change washington
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from the inside, only from outside. we will give him that chance soon. when i am elected, i will work with republicans and democrats in congress. i will meet with the leaders. i will leave with the good men and women to care more about the country than politics. it the president is reelected, he will continue this war on coal, oil, and natural gas. what i am elected we will create jobs, help with prices of the pot. we will achieve north american energy independence in eight years. [applause] it the president or be to reelected, he would crush small
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business with this plan to raise taxes, expand regulations, oppose obama care. i care about small business. i see it as a means for people to fulfill their dreams. last week i met a lady in richmond. she's been running of the lead business 40 years. a business in the family for 82 years. at high point she employed 200 people. she just closed it down. she told the the regulations, taxes, obama care, and the effects of the obama economy put is out of business. -- put her out of business. i want to help the hundreds of thousands of these and dreamers like her, and i will. you know, by the way, if the president were to be reelected,
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he will say anything he has to get your support and make you think he will improve our schools. so your kids would have the same schools with the same results. when i am president i will be a voice to the children and their parents, because they do not have a union at the bpa. i want to make sure parents have the information they need to know if a school is succeeding or not, and i want them to have the choice of the school they believe is right for their child's future. when i was governor of my state, we took our schools to the top of the nation by working together. listening to the good buys from our teachers. people who dedicated their lives to listening to their kids and always putting the students first. and education first.
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i will do the same thing as president. the last few months of the campaign is gathering the strength of a movement, which is obvious by looking around this audience tonight. it is not just only the size of the crowds, the debt of the shared conviction. this makes me strive to be even more worthy of your support in campaign as i would govern and speak for the aspirations of all americans. i learned as governor of massachusetts that the best achievements are shared achievements. i learned respect and good will go a long way it usually returned in kind. that is how i will conduct myself as president. i will bring -- bring people together. i will represent one nation. [crowd chanting "usa"]
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throughout this campaign, using every argument he can think of, he is tried to convince you the past four years have been a success. the plan for the next four years is to take all the ideas from the next term, the stimulus, borrowing, and do them all over again. he tells the plan -- called the plan forward. i call it four warn. the same course we of been on will not lead to a better destination. it means 20 trillion in debt. it means crippling unemployment continuing. imine stagnant take home pay and depressed home values. unless we change course, we keep looking at another recession. it is closing -- in his closing argument as this past week president obama asked his
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supporters to vote for revenge. for revenge. instead i ask the american people to vote for love of country. [applause] do the other we must lead america to a better place. we're only two days away from a fresh start. two days away from the first day of a new beginning. and an unshakable faith in the american spirit. is anyone worried the past four years the best we are to do, anyone who fears the american dream is fading away. if there is anyone wonders whether better jobs and better paychecks are a thing of the past, i've a clear and unequivocal message. with the right leadership,
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america will come roaring back. [applause] we are americans. we can do anything. the only thing that stands between us and some of the best years we've known is lack of leadership. and this tuesday is a moment to look into the future and imagine what we can do. to put the past four years behind us and start building a future. use all the difference between the president and i would we were standing side by side in the debates. he said it had to be this way. -- you saw the differences between the present and i when we were standing side by side in the debates. i cannot wait for us to get started. he is hoping we will settle. americans do not settle. we listen to the voice that says we can do better. a better life, a better america.
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the better life is out there waiting for us. our destiny is in your hands. two more days. two more days and we can get to work rebuilding our country, restoring our confidence renewing the conviction. we're confident we're on a solid path. confident college graduates will find better jobs. confidence single mothers working two jobs will have a better shot at a better job. i want to tell you about an experience i had just last night. reminded me of something that happened many years ago. i was serving as a leader in the boy scouts of america. got some starters here, i can tell. there was a table of the front of the room. i was seated at the next to the american flag. the person speaking was the scout master from monument,
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colorado. he described the fact that the troop wanted a very special flags said it bought one and had flown above the capitol building. came back, and they wanted it to go to on -- wanted it to go on the space shuttle. nasa agreed. there were so proud looking at at thems' -- looking space shuttle from home room. then they saw it explode on the tv screen. he said he called last a couple weeks later and asked if they had any remnants of the flag? they have not. nothing. finally some time later he was reading an article in the newspaper and dimensions the debris collected from the challenger disaster. there was a note about a flag, so he called nasa and said heavy found some part of the fly, and he said we of a presentation to make your voice. nasa came in the boy's throat --
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boy scout troop gathered and were presented with a plastic container. there was the flag in perfect condition. he said that said at the table. i reached over and touched a hold of the flag and pulled it out. it was as if the electricity was running through my arm because i thought about the sacrifice of the men and women in this space program who put themselves in harm's way for learning, pioneering, for us. it is part of the american spirit. to live for something bigger than yourself. as see it in the men and women who serve in our military. they serve as for liberty, freedom. our hope and prosperity. -- serve us for liberty, freedom. i love all the verses in america the beautiful, but one stands out.
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what are veterans -- with the veterans and members of the armed forces please raise your hands and derecognized? -- be recognized? [applause] we live for things bigger than ourselves. schools, churches, families. i think about my sister. my sister is in her 70's. she has eight children. seven of them married. kids of their own. the eighth child was going -- born down syndrome. he is now 43-years-old. he lives at home with his mom. she devotes her time and care to caring for that child. she is a hero to me. i love america's moms. single moms and dads to make a difference for their families.
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this christmas i am thinking of all the couples that will not be exchanging gifts with one another to make sure they could have another great christmas for their kids. think of all the great mom sitter scraping to goodbyes of a good picture and have a good meal on the table for kids at the end of the day. think of the dads and moms that are working two jobs so they can buy the kind of close their kids need so they will not stand out in school. we are a generous people. we give to others in need. we live for things bigger than ourselves, and on november 6, we can come together for a better future. on november 7, we're going to get to work. i would like you to reach across the street to the neighbor with the other guys in yard sign, and we will reach across the aisle in washington to people good faith in the other party. this much more than our moment. it is america's moment of
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renewal, purpose, and optimism. we of journeying far and wide in the campaign for america's future, and now we're almost home. one final push will get us there. we have known that many long days and short nights, and now we are close. the door to a brighter future is there. it is open and waiting for us. i need your vote, work. i want you to walk with me. we're taking back america. we are going to keep america at the home of the brave. we love you. thank you so very much. great to be with you. thank you. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012]
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host: mitt romney family -- finishing up his rally in pennsylvania. he now goes on to newport news, virginia for the final rally of the day. tomorrow back on the campaign trail. he will go to lynchburg, va., columbus ohio and conclude the day in new hampshire. president obama also on the trail tomorrow in the madison, wisconsin and columbus ohio. then he will be in des moines, iowa. look for coverage here at c- back to the live shot of mourners still, pennsylvania.
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part of the election weekend coverage here on c-span. we will continue to watch the governor as he shakes hands and makes his way through the crowd. richard, democratic calller in new york. caller: good evening. thank you for taking my call, and thank you for c-span. mr. romney does not have a clue. he should have lost in 2012 to rick santorum. however, he is flip-floping every issue from the primaries. american people have some of the brightest minds. why don't they see he is a fraud? america is not for sale. >> i take your voting for president obama. host: republican calller.
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william, north carolina. caller: i was going to vote for obama, but i am real religious, and i do not agree with the same-sex marriage. the unemployment has gone up. i've been out of a job for two years. i've just been crying about it. . the change i have is all the change in my pocket. did you vote for president obama in 2008? caller: no, i did not. host: next calller. caller: thank you for taking my call. i would like to echo what billy graham has written. the legacy we leave behind for
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our children, grandchildren and this great nation is crucial. i realize this election could be my last. i believe it is vitally important we cast our candidates on -- -- that we support the nation of israel. support the typical definition of marriage between a man and woman. host: is this something you were given to read? caller: "usa today." i am just finishing up your yen physical values. this november 6 prayer with me that america will remain one nation under god. that is written by dr. billy graham. i want to echo that, because i think we really need to focus on getting our eyes back on god, and i think mitt romney is really a constituent to embrace
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those physical values and will work for us. host: did you always feel that way about mitt romney? throughout the whole campaign? caller: yes, i did. i think america needs to read between the lines. many appeared to promote what president obama says and does. i think it is unfair, and i think it is biased. i think people that read the paper and view the t d need to read between the lines and understand what the president and as candidates is really saying. i believe it romney, if you look carefully at what he supports and opposes does support any of the things i believe are important in this country. that is getting her eyes back on god and promoting ethics and values that are important as country.
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host: we are getting your thoughts leading up to november 6. louis.ext in thst. caller: i am going to vote for president obama. i think he needs a little bit more time. i do not trust everything that mitt romney is saying. if iran gets elected and changes my mind and my ideas about the republicans and does a great job, that will tays meat to a republican. i can see you will be the change the republican party is lacking and has been lacking, but until then i will be a democrat. i will -- i was raised a democrat and i am now. if he can uphold the truth he claims he is saying, that i will be all for it. crystal and jamestown, ky.
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caller: i have never been in the politics, but being from a small town in kentucky where it was easy for you to quit a job and be able to find another one and in the four years obama has been president you cannot get anything, i have been without a job for several months now. listening to all of obama's crop. he has had for years to get it right. >> what happened with your job? caller: i lost my job due to obama getting rid of everything. there is no jobs in russell county. none of. -- none. i believe romney will put back jobs. people are stupid if they're going to vote for him.
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caller: i think if mitt romney is elected president of the united states, we need a president that is going to have ranged against wall street, the banker cartels. we need a president that will take their ravens to be able to help us with our national debt. -- the reigns that will help us with our national debt. thank you so much. host: lead in kentucky. democratic calller. caller: i lived in kentucky. mr. obama, when he was running for president, he said he was going to destroy the coal industry. you cannot get a job, people say they will lay everyone they
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have it reversed if obama gets back in on account of obama care. middle eastern kentucky, west virginia, pennsylvania is dedicated -- devastated on account of obama. i am a democrat, but i will definitely vote for the wrong date. host: are you a mineworker? what is your average salary? caller: about 120,000 per year. is 0 now. host: lost your job? caller: yes. he said he would destroy a anyone who worked with col. he is pretty much done it. no one can get a mine permit. the cannot get a permit to run a preparation plant. host: were you laid off? caller: yes.
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80,000-90,000. the fuel people are laid off. everyone related to coal is laid off. use of the car industry down and then and iran -- that everyone suffers. host: independent calller in florida. caller: 22,000 people in hollywood, florida. you said you heard, but really did not see it yourself. you are showing the camera, but you are showing a closed camera. you could really see how many people were there.
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there were hardly less than 2000 people there. there were more than 3500 people at the mitt romney campaign. the reporter reported there were about 100. the recording has been so that is unbelievable. i am an independent. last time i voted for obama. i got a hope and a change. but i have not seen any change. the change we have seen is the country going from bad to worse. host: we will leave it there. one last voice. republican calller. caller: basically, i wanted to
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let everyone know for all the hispanics, back then we were all democrats, but eventually was same-sex marriages, the way the economy going, especially with the abortion thing, those are the types of things that hard democrats used to have true values. those are gone. people are realizing that. that is like being in south texas, looking at the polls, i see people and talk to people and they all say we are voting for romney. that is the change. the only change here in south texas is change obama took away from us. there's no jobs. host: control in texas. our coverage continues tomorrow. -- joel in texas.
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mitt romney will begin in florida, virginia, also in columbus, ohio, and ends his stay in manchester, new hampshire. both candidates ending their days late tomorrow night, around 11:00 eastern time. look for live coverage on c- look for coverage on election night at 8:00 eastern time here on c-span. c-span radio and we will bring you the victory in concession speeches, and of course, your reaction. thank you for watching tonight. >> today we feature a live debate >> welcome back, today we have a live debate in the sixth district including cities like
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st. cloud and monticello. i am joined by the incumbent knowing that you are down to the final hours of your campaign, hopefully we can learn something from the both of you. the opponent in many of your ads pain to as big spending jim. you do not often hear democrats referring to themselves as conservatives. >> i am really a fiscal conservative to the bone. i have balanced budgets and created businesses my whole life and have always made my payments. i know how to balance the budget and i know how to get things done. that is what really makes a conservative. balancing the budget, getting the hard work done, making it happen. i have done it my whole lifetime. i am all about being a fiscal conservative. >> do you see him in any way, shape, or form, as the conservative, or as a big>> the
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positions he has supported our the signature issues of barack obama. being in support of a $1 trillion stimulus, which failed to create jobs, or for the bailout, or for obama care, which cost $1.80 trillion, or the dog franc bill, which is killing access to credit, indicating he is willing to raise taxes on the middle-class willing to pay for the unpaid for spending. that is a real difference between the two of us, i want less government, not more. lower taxes, not higher taxes. >> do you see her as independent? >> she is the most polarizing person in congress.
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bridge. i felt it was too expensive. we could have gotten that done for $400 million. every dollar counts. we need to get back to the basics. she's the most polarizing person in congress. >> let me respond.
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the bridge was estimated to cost odd $80 million in 1992 but because bod of radical environmental groups that delayed one suit after another they brought the price of to what it is today. the all of this was a bridge worth being built. this is the spending that he is. there should be more federal stimulus money.
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>> it started to be very politicized. i would have made a change to a minimum it. >> i voted against it. it was spending $1 trillion. never before have we spent that much money on government works progress. this in not add jobs in the private sector. i know how to grow jobs in the
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private sector. we meet the payroll every two weeks. one thing i understand is we code. it is killing jobs, not creating jobs. >> the federal deficit stands at $16 trillion. what would you do specifically to try to balance the budget that would to entertain the idea of more taxes? >> i do not support more taxes. the federal government. the problem is not that we're not spending enough money. control spending. i would have said no to very expensive projects. he cannot continue to spend
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money like that like barack obama did. trillion dollar deficits. we have for the last four years. >> i think we have to move along the lines of the simpson-bowles plan, a balanced approach that addresses the issues. we're going to try to get our spending down to 21% of gdp. >> president obama did not originally go for it. >> nobody did. i would. a lot of this is getting rid of tax expenditures which are loopholes. we can raise a lot of revenues by getting rid of loopholes. royalties to coal companies. rate oil companies. these are what we call attack expenditures. take them away and we can get more revenue. >> we can cut everything we possibly can to the bone.
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we cannot pass this down the road to our kids and grandkids. we have to be serious. we have to do the heavy lifting. >> let's wish to medicare. do you support paul ryan's plan that would change medicare for people who are under the age of 55? some people have called it a vulture system. >> i support saving medicare, in favor of the principles of the ryan plan. it was a group of principals. the whole goal was to save medicare. i was in the east room of the white house. the president has no plan to save medicare. he entered has that his plan is obamacare. most seniors have no idea that president obama's plan is that medicare will go away and senior citizens will go into obamacare. most seniors understand that obamacare will mean a deny of care for seniors.
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that is not what i mean. >> michele bachmann wants to eliminate both medicare and social security. >> that is wrong. he just made a false statement. >> can i talk please? here's the situation. we have to say this to programs to get serious. i put on the floor that let's raise the social security cap. it saves social security for many years. seniors will have insurance that they can retire that they have earned. on the other time, we have to attack the issue on the cost side and be willing to negotiate with pharmaceuticals. michele bachmann is ready to do that. >> these are false statements and assertions. what i have worked on is to make sure we say social security, save medicare. we have to reform. medicare is 50 years old. we have to update the way we
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deliver high-quality health care. we have to make sure it is there for kids who are coming. everyone knows we need a before. >> we will be back in just a moment. we will talk about obamacare and foreign policy and hopefully some energy policy. we will be back in just a moment. >> jim graves is here to rebut that commercial. i'm here with him and michele bachmann. your opponent just said that you favor all aspects of
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obamacare and would like to keep it intact. is that true? >> no. there are some good things. we talked about those kids staying in to the program until they are 26 years old. we have talked about these exchanges that will open up the bidding process and let small businesses buy insurance. this is by no means a done. it is a process. the heavy lifting is bending the cost curve. we have not done that yet. >> the coverage is pretty popular. do you want to scrap all of that? >> i want to bring down the cost of health care. obamacare escalated the cost of health care. it is money we do not have. we did not need the government to take over 1/6 of the economy. that is a cost of about $5 billion a year which we can do. so we can take care of people's needs.
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the big issue is bringing down the cost. obamacare has escalated the cost and taken the decision making away from the people. i want to empower people and bring down the price. >> on the issue of abortion, lately that has become a big issue in some senate campaigns around the country. sparked controversy by saying that they would not allow abortions in the case of rape. where do you stand on that? and under what situations would you find abortion to be allowed? >> i am 100% pro-life. people know i stand for life. my husband and i have taken 23 foster kids into our home.
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>> specifically on the issue. under what situation would you allow that? >> i stand to reject except in the case of the life of the mother. >> if someone is a victim of rape and abortion should not be allowed? >> i stand for the protection of life from conception until death. >> abortion is a travesty. i will help women avoid that difficult choice. i will work for a real meaningful maternity leave. equal pay for equal work. this is a woman's issue between herself and her god. there is one bill that michele bachmann sent in congress. i would have voted for the bill. she did not. it restricted any federal funding for any abortions. michele bachmann did not vote for it. >> let me just say. it is important to clarify.
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i do not support taxpayer funding of abortion. obamacare includes tax their funding of abortion. it is important peoplei in no way support it. >> you said the obama administration said the muslim brotherhood has made a "de penetration in the house of our government" and you raise questions about one of the aide to hillary clinton. john mccain called the accusations as having no basis or logic. do you stand by the acquisitions? did you see proof that the muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the government? >> i certainly do stand by those letters. what we know is that terrorism continues to remain a real threat in the united states. i serve on the intelligence committee.
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we deal with classified secrets. a number of people came out in support of us. the events in benghazi proved that the united states remained under attack here and in the>> but there's no proof that the muslim brotherhood was involved? >> we're only getting into for what al-sharia has admitted to. >> you call these accusations ridiculous and outrageous. >> they are. they are inflammatory. here is the thing. there's nothing more important in this country than to protect its people. i stand behind that 100%. we do not need to polarize or antagonize especially when it is not even called for.
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we need to come together and protect our ambassadors. i have an ambassador friends in the middle east. we have to protect those people. it was a tragedy what happened in benghazi. we have to learn from that terrible experience. >> thank god we have members of congress that are asking questions. that is all we did. >> you made an acquisition about the muslim brotherhood. >> we did not. we ask questions. we ask them to take a look. it is within reason to think these violent organization to have declared they want the destruction of israel and the united states, the obama administration did not listen or pay attention. a tragedy ensued. we members that to ask tough questions. >> i will allow you each to make
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a closing statement. >> thank you. our country is on a train wreck,we have to stop it before it happens. if we do not deal with that it will deal with us. we have seen that michele bachmann has been in congress for six years. it should not be able to curb the cost curve. should not been able to stop the spiraling of the debt. i'm a business person that will make things happen. i will be fiscally conservative and make this congress work into the heavy lifting. we're not going to raise taxes on the middle-class. >> you have 30 seconds. >> i want to say what it on your id is to represent new. my focus has been on creating millions of high-paying jobs and turning our economy around. i am a former federal tax lawyer.
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i'm here nearly every weekend. i will continue to work for you to turn this economy around if you give me the chance. thanks again. i ask for a vote on tuesday. >> thank you both for taking more time to be with us today. we will be back in just a moment. these two will be busy throughout election day. we will be back in just a moment. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> feet and an elvis. first, general. what are you looking up for the balance of power? >> right now the most likely scenario is democrats picked up a handful of seats, but no where near the 25 seats gained they would need to restored me to
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pelosi as the speaker of the house. one of them is redistricting. the republicans did a good job in key states of taking normally competitive seats, making them more republicans. the other challenge is democrats are playing defense. they have a number of vulnerable republicans. then it becomes the game of the might defeat one but lose one of their own. instead of starting to eat into the 25 see gain they need. individuallk about races. i want to start with upstate new york. trying to preserve a democratic seat in new york 27. she is revered. she is well-loved in the democratic party because of the special election win, but now
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refacing -- is in a more republican county. right now i think the republican nature of the district is probably tracking her down, even though she might be the more personable candidates in the race. >> congressman alan west, two- party republican trying to keep his seat for a second term. >> alan west running against patrick murphy. this is one of the most expensive, nastiest, in closest races in the country. i think the district by the numbers is very competitive, but alan west is tenacious. right now he is running three times the amount of television advertisements a normal canada it would run at this stage. even though he is polarizing, he is strategic. former military officer. patrick murphy has a tough task
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across the line over west. >> interesting race in utah. mia love, erased getting a lot of attention. -- a race getting a lot of attention. >> jim atkinson. republicans did not really target him. they did not spend a lot of money trying to defeat him in 2010, but they read through his district. he is running against a very unconventional candidates. running against a black conservative republican woman it is tough to stereotyped her as a typical politician. the the thing we have to remember is mitt romney will be at the top of the ballot. john mccain got over 60 percent. that raises the threshold of the cross will reject crossover votes that he needs to survive. he is very much in the game.
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i think it will be tough to come -- overcome the top of the ticket impact. neveda, the type of district they should be challenging and. this is a clark county district. a place where democrats should be doing very well. democrats are having a troubled time. the democratic nominee is a former leader in the state house. even areas this position, his advertisements are talking about his record as a firefighter. they're not even mentioning he is a politician because that is not a label you want to have. if democrats are having a better night than we expect, they would need to do better in this type of district. >> california is a solid blue states for the president. a couple of interesting house
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races. >> california weaken normally ignore. there really only been one or two states that have a chance of one-party taking over the other, but with this did it -- citizen legislative redistricting commission, the congressional map has been turned on its head. we're watching almost a dozen races in california. democrats need to almost weep all of the competitive races that we have in california in order to get even close to the 25. >> moving back east. first, maryland. roscoe bartlett. victim of a a democratic redistricting. because all it down into what recounted. he faces an john delaney, a businessman who was somewhat of
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a surprise winner over the state budgets and. -- state legislature. roscoe has an environmental street to him that does not make him a typical republican, but facing a very different marker county electorate. i think they will be tough to keep republicans in the majority. to go massachusetts, the congressman getting a lot of attention with allegations of gambling and offshore monday that in losses may have made for him and his family. >> we believe he is now an underdog in the race. one is he does have this of the cloud surrounding his brothers in law, his wife served time for some of her misconduct. i think that cloud is part of the problem. the other challenge is he is
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facing an openly gay republican he was not feasible tied to the tea party label. it is tough to say use an extreme conservative when he is an openly gay republican. they have run a good campaign. i think it would be a surprise if he comes back to congress. >> the rematch. >> new hampshire one. new hampshire, if you are only going to what one state and the most bang for your buck, new hampshire is the place to go because it is a presidential battleground. but congressional districts are tossups. the first district in second district were charlie bass is trying to hang on, and an open governor's race as well. right now the congressional races are tossups. i would not be surprised if porter came back to congress. >> what about pennsylvania 12?
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>> pennsylvania it is shocking we're not talking about more competitive races. in western pennsylvania the congressman is markers. he won a member verses member primary against jason all wire. -- jason altmeir. this is a republican district. democratic strategists say the only thing keeping him in the race is johnstown base that could turn out has been so strong for the congressman before he passed away, and that is the only thing keeping the race competitiveness otherwise they would already have this in their column. to go what else are you keeping a close eye on? >> looking at nevada, we talked about the third district and the fourth district, which was drawn
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and assumed democrats would win it. the republican is in the game. he lost in the senate primary in 2010. that is that type of district democrat should be winning in need to win in order to do well. overall on election night i will be watching the seats that republicans better republicans favored or even been republican. that is how far down our competitive races. democrats have to start winning and defeating republican members in order to get close to the majority. for not winning those heavily- republican seats, they will not have enough. look at the balance of power and where the president is strong and where mitt romney is strong. >> the most impact is seen with the presidential race i think
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has already happened. i know in talking to democrats that are watching the races, the first debate was fundamentally important, not just because it shifted the presidential race, but because it was a time when house candidates registered to go on television tried to prove moderate credentials. the first debate polarize the debate. the rush to the republican side. i think the presidential race is important for both sides that the candidates of the race stays closed. i think the biggest impact may have are the happened a few weeks ago. the thin gonzales, think you very much. -- nathan gonzales. >> and turns of -- terms of the
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sec engagement, the chairman literally spent the night. we are definitely engaged in the process of working firsthand with fema to make an overall assessment. you are right in terms of the initial numbers that 25 percent were disabled during the process. what the sec does and will continue to do is to work with the entities to assess the situation on the ground and to more so i use the information to see what we could do better going forward >> mignon clyburn on issues facing the commission as the year ends. monday at 8:00 eastern on c-span to. >> watch the presidential election results tuesday night along with key contests on c- span. next, q&a with walter stahr. next, q&a with walter stahr.


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